Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August End - Extempo Post

I call this "Stream of Unconsciousness"

Since no one reads this blog
I am tempted to talk about my
"old timer's disease"

symptoms can be picked out here
and there as the passed goes forward
if you get my (what's the word?)

um,  it's thrift
yeah, that's it
at this time and
station - in life

food stamps and VA benefits
make my world go round

and now the Internet Comes
By the minute
Across my desk
With Hugh Hefner's

i once saw a cartoon
in Playboy
a frail elderly man
is propped up in bed
watching a large digital
picture on a screen at the foot
of the head of the bed

The image depicts
a lucious woman
stripping on demand

an elderly woman stands by the bed
and speaks to his doctor
"If that's all that's keeping him alive
Why won't Medicare pay for it?"